Bertrand Chapron

In 1984 finished National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble.
In 1988 upheld Ph.D. thesis in Fluid Mechanics at Aix-Marseille II university.
Work experience
From 1988 held Post-Doctoral research at NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center and Wallops Flight Facility in the United States.
From 1991 worked as group leader at Space Oceanography Laboratory in IFREMER, Brest.
From 2001 worked in the European Remote Sensing Satellite center (ERS).
From 2004 till present I’m senior scientist, head of the Space Oceanography Laboratory.
Research Experience
Publications in applied mathematics, physical oceanography, electromagnetic wave theory and its applications to ocean remote sensing, data processing.
Over the last 20 years worked at ESA projects (ERS Wave Mode, ENVISAT RA-2 and ASAR, SMOS salinity mission), NASA and National Centre for Space Studies projects (TOPEX/POSEIDON, JASON, Altika, and newly accepted missions SWOT and CFOSAT).
Potential future instrument are Doppler scatterometry SWORD and bi-static SAR interferometry.