March 10, 2017
Pytroll Workshop 2017 in St.Petersburg
Pytroll Seminar 2017 will be held in St. Petersburg on 27 March – 2 April 2017 at Satellite OIceanography Laboratory (SOLab) of the Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU).
The aim of the seminar is to exchange experiences between the Pytroll developers and students / graduate students who are interested in the processing of satellite data for the purpose of obtaining weather information.
Anyone with skills in Linux and satellite data processing are invited to take part. Each participant should have a laptop at the workshop.
September 15, 2013
The first IT talk
В пятницу, 20 сентября, в новом офисе лаборатории спутниковой океанографии состоится IT-talk #1 — встреча IT-специалистов для обсуждения новых технологий и методологий. Основная тема встречи — знакомство с языком программирования CoffeeScript.

February 10, 2015
International scientific seminar «Remote sensing of hazardous phenomena in the ocean-atmosphere system»
International scientific seminar «Remote sensing of hazardous phenomena in the ocean-atmosphere system» was held at the Russian State Hydrometeorological University of St. Petersburg..
Time: June 22-25 2015 г.
Place: Laboratory of satellite oceanography (SOLab)