
Introductory lecture will be held November 1, 2012 at 15:15 in room 308 in the main building of RSHU.The lecture will be given by supervisor Solab RSHU, prof. Betran Chapron. Language lecture - English (with partial translation into Russian).

The lecture will be given by expert in satellite oceanography, head of Remote Sensing Department MHI NASU, Sevastopol (Ukraine), Dr. Sergey Stanichny

The lecture will be given by expert in microwave radiometry, Senior Researcher Solab RSHU / Foundation "Nansen Center", Dr. Elizaveta Zabolotskikh.

The lecture will be given by leading expert of ocean optics,Head of the Laboratory of ocean optics IO RAN (Moscow), prof. Oleg Kopelevich

The lecture will be given by expert in wind energy Professor Soren Larsen from the Danish Technical University.

The lecture will be given by CEO of Solab, professor Vladimir Kudryavtsev.